Monday, October 27, 2008

how we post to keep peace?

I wandered around africa today, it's actually the largest brownfield in Michigan, the old Belle Tire site. It's a large piece of property on the river, i've read that the land is so contaminated you would have to remove the soil up to 6 feet... I'm sorry i'm really distracted.. my friend just sent me this video documenting the sensation that is the song "It's so cold in the D"

anyways here is one of my flicks from todays wanderings in the hail.

The story of the balloons..

I had a dream where i was on a train to san francisco to teach young girls. On the way i got lost and started wandering around a huge moving mall. The principal of the school called me (my friend Ellesworth) and told me it was ok to wander for a while. I walked down a street filled with stores and was swallowed up by a sex shop, completely surprised i fell out the door turned a corner and was at a bike shop. continuing to wander i walked down a suburban street and all the sudden it started raining. when i looked up there was a little black rain cloud floating above me. On second glance it was a group of black balloons.. so today i recreated it. kinda.

see the rest at

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