while most of you are lamenting the cold grey days.. i'm actually super excited. they allow for very even exposures. and interesting muted colors. thursday night was filled with pre-birthday celebrations, and lots of dancing to love is a battlefield, and discussions about the collective conscious.
Anyways, I love shooting on grey days.. i've tried shooting in the rain.. but i always worry too much about my equipment. Lucky enough i live in Detroit and i get about 4 months of grey weather.
Fact: i have shot two full bodies of work in the winter (the original Detroit ruins; four-ish years of 35 mm, and the midwestern rural abandonment series: Detroit, Iowa, Missouri shot on 127mm film using a vintage yashica). I don't love running around with my hands frozen changing rolls, of film. I love not spending my summer in a darkroom.
This was a grey day wandering around some new buildings on Rosa Parks. This place had been a functioning car scrap yard until about a month before i shot this. Walls were already knocked down and it had suffered from some fire damage. The floors were caving in, this is on the second level and i was walking along the rafters, and support beams. i can't get ove the trees through the foggy window.
Across the street on the same day i shot this
it was another abandoned car shop. as i was standing reading a bunch of old letters i had found, a section of this building collapsed, right above where i took this photograph. My body ran for the door. i havn't been back since. Take note of the christmas theme. It runs throughout my photographs of abandonments, there is a reason i will get to another day.
I don't know why those flicks are messed up.. ugh. anyways.. tonight you should go to the grand opening of the book caddy, a fee block party on washington ave.