Today i chose knobs, the knobs in my bathtub, i could have photographed all the knobs and switches in my house... i will, this is a start. The reason these are interesting to me is because after living here for two months i still can't figure them out. I constanly turn them the wrong way and the water gets too cold, or hot. It made me think of displacement, anytime you are moving often and constantly adapting. The same idea applies to switches, i sometimes turn on the fan instead of the light. I wonder how long it will take.

Cold weather set in today, I turned on my heat for the first time, i chickened out and drove to work. It is sinking in my skin. I rode my bike to the Russell Industrial Center for the Model D Speaker series on transportation. The topic is placing light rail and arterial rapid transit through out the city, along with 400 miles of bike lanes. Hertel is a very passionate speaker about light rail he feels we are very close. However when a speaker on bike lanes begins by laughing about the lack of traffic along Michigan Ave. he looses credibility in my book. Over all i really appreciate Model D putting on these events. There was a large diverse crowd gathered, and some very good connections were made.
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