"Polar opposites don't push away
It's the same on the weekends as the rest of the days
And I know I should go but I will probably stay
And that's all you can do about some things"
The break from my 9-5 went by far too quickly, but every moment of the past few weeks have been punctuated by something great, or terrible. This roller-coaster we ride has me strapped in on full speed into the future. One I cannot predict but have extremely high hopes for.
From funerals, to late night celebrations, children opening gifts and more heart warming then i have ever felt... i might as well start where i wanted to... where i left off.
I believe fully we are living in a critical time of change for our country and our city. I am reminded almost every day the struggles we are fighting will bring about a better tomorrow. I am inspired by the personalities around me.. their strength gives me the power to keep moving and pushing and stretching the boundaries of what i feel is possible.
The recent projects and conversations i have taken on are dealing with some very controversial and important issues upfront.
I can write explanations for everything but the only thing i will ever stand by or believe in are the photos, documented proof that these amazing things have and are happening.
I shot this photo in reaction to how i have been feeling about current womens issues.... Things that i thought were normal for me to deal with, i am realizing are more the product of societies expectations and preconceived notions of the female. Working on a project with the Michigan Womens FOundation and the Crofoot in Pontiac... i sat with 10 women discussing the things that had shapped our lives and had the revelation that i am not alone in these struggles. Feeling like you need to excel, never show emotion for fear of appearing weak, closing off other women, and not feeling safe walking around my nieghboorhood. I'm now interessted in delving into these ideas.. discecting what they mean to me... this is a rather vulgar image of a women more interested in drinking glass then doing the dishes....
This is a self portrait feeling frustrated about the same things....
and another
That being said i was privileged to be one of the few to watch singer Jessica Hernandez Play on a bridge covered in snow and christmas lights on the Cranbrook Campus. Her beautiful voice warmed up the area which was surrounded by woods and quacking geese.
lauren watching
On a warmer note, Cass Collective celebrated it's 25th happening. The monthly event has been carrying on for the past years under the leadership of muscians Andrew Davis and Andrew Beer. Many local performers have entertained in the corner of Cass Cafe. Currently Cass Collective happens every last sunday of the month. 8pm-2 am it is a place where i often meet friends like family... have celebrated 2 birthdays (24 and 25). Warming hugs, wild dance parties, cold drinks, cosy hearts.
Happy 25 Cass Collective!
Amy kahrl made an installation asking what issues are most important to detroiters?.... i sense another project in the works...
thats it for now. more to come.