Not much to say today. my sleep tank stays perpetually empty about now. I'm not complaining. i've spent my waking hours in some wonderful situations lately. i hope for them to continue.. even if that means i never sleep more then 3 hours a night, ever again.
Tonight i sat with some very awesome characters at the local watering hole Motor City Brewery. There is a new Record Label on the block, woodbridge records, run partily out of the Grey Shack on Merek and Comonwealth, They've signed The Summer Pledge, Noman, and I. Crime. Pushing on through and making things happen several of the woodbridge gang discussed establishing a record store across from the Woodbridge Pub with partial Emergence (www.emergencemusic.net) label owner Mike Medow.
People changing the shape of the world one street corner at a time.
Other then that i covered the Guvvy awards. The governors awards in arts and culture, i hung out with Devin Scallion, and watched as Lois Teicher won a life time achievement award.
the snow is beautiful.
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